Thursday, March 19, 2015

Berlin Memorial Activity 3-19-15

What did you learn? Why do you think this monument was built? What did you notice about the number of laws passed in certain years? Which restrictions do you think you would have the most trouble dealing with and why?

               From the activity today in class, I learned that Jews had so many things that were ripped away from them. They couldn't purchase milk, write, graduate, go to the movies, etc. They got all of their necessities taken away from them, and it was almost impossible for them to live in that state of life. They had at least 400 laws that prohibited them from living a healthy and stable life. This caused many of the Jewish people to starve, lose money, and maybe not even have a home. I think this monument was built so it can remind people of how the past was, and how it should never occur again. The monument is like a scar for that city, and it is there to help people remember. 

               I noticed that the number of laws over the years increased by a lot, or decreased by a lot. There were some years where one law was passed, and then there were some years when over 10 were passed. I saw that the laws increased whenever something happened. When they first invented the laws, that was the time a lot of the laws were made. The restrictions that I thought were the hardest to deal with were with education, and writing. If some people found comfort in writing, it isn't fair that it is taken away from them. With education, I believe that every human should have the opportunity to learn and become educated. If they don't know how to read, what will they be able to do? If they don't know how to write or spell, what kind of jobs are they going to get in the future? One more law that seem hardest to deal with was not being able to leave. I think this because if they have family somewhere else, or if they just want to leave, they should be able to. 


  1. Great job on the blog, kid! I know I should read it more often, but it's a treat to read three or four entries. Over the next eight or ten years, you'll be introduced to a dazzling array of interesting subjects, however, writing (and speaking) will be one of your most important skills. In whatever path your choose, being able to communicate well is a most critical predicator of success - keep up the good work on your reading, speaking and writing skills.

  2. Amelia - Great reflective writing from class! I especially like the section where you compared this monument as a scar for the city. I hadn't thought of it like that, but what great insight.
