Monday, March 23, 2015

Holocaust AOW Reflections 3-23-14

               This was a very different week with AOWs. We were all asked to pick one article about the Holocaust, and it was pretty cool to see the different types of articles. There were some articles about women in concentration camps, experiments that were done on people, descendants of the Holocaust, Curious George, liberators, etc. I saw that Auschwitz was a very similar topic because most of the survivors were from that concentration camp. I found this really interesting because we didn't really talk about many other camps, or people from the different camps. There were many incidents where their families were split up, but they found each other eventually. 

               There was one article that talked about a woman who was brought to a concentration camp when she was 18. She remembers everything that ever happened to her there, and she said that the pain never goes away. She is 90 years old now, and she said that the time she was given did not help her get over the pain she felt. She said "to live is to forgive," and this means that she does want to forget and get over everything that happened. Although, she said that she wants justice. She wants any people who were murders to be given a trial. There were many other articles like this, some saying that they lost more than 10 family members. There was one man who killed 300,000 people during the Holocaust. 

1 comment:

  1. Good blog post. I also noticed that a lot of people were kept in the concentration camp in Auschwitz. I think that it was one of the largest concentration camps. Towards the end of your blogpost I was shocked when you said that there was a man who killed 300, 000 people. I didn't even know if that was possible.
